This is an amazing game! This must have been really hard to code lol. I only reached level 4 xD
Those people that are saying it's not fun don't even know what fun is. This is really fun. A thing you should do is maybe add different gamemodes :p Here's a couple of ideas:
1. Time Trial (See how far you can get in a specified time)
2. Hunt (Must collect a certain amount of objects before you can move on to the next level
3. Colourful (Have a specified amount of paint to put everywhere before you can move on to the next level (This one is a bad idea lol but just an idea so you see what I mean))
Stuff like that, and this version you've done can be the original.
You obviously don't have to do this but I think it would be a really good idea and would make more of a variety and make it more enjoyable :)
5 Stars!